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What Is A House Church?

House Church Praying

What do House Churches do?

  • Share Scripture Study the Bible together growing in our relationship with Jesus through the study and obedience of His truth as revealed in the Bible. (Acts 2:42, 2 Timothy 2:2, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

  • Share Life Meet needs of those within the house church. They eat together, play together, encourage and serve one another. Do life together. Follow Jesus together. (Acts 2:45, 4:32-37)

  • Share Mission Meet needs of those outside the house church seeking to make new disciples of Jesus (Acts 2:47, Matthew 18:19-20)

  • Send/Multiply Live like missionaries sending those from our house church to start new house church communities locally and globally. (John 20:21, Acts 13:1-5, Titus 1:5)

Please contact us for more information on what a house church is.

The Living Room Podcast is where we have conversations about house church, micro-church, and what it looks like living the everyday mission of Christ.

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