What Is A House Church?

What do House Churches do?
Share Scripture Study the Bible together growing in our relationship with Jesus through the study and obedience of His truth as revealed in the Bible. (Acts 2:42, 2 Timothy 2:2, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Share Life Meet needs of those within the house church. They eat together, play together, encourage and serve one another. Do life together. Follow Jesus together. (Acts 2:45, 4:32-37)
Share Mission Meet needs of those outside the house church seeking to make new disciples of Jesus (Acts 2:47, Matthew 18:19-20)
Send/Multiply Live like missionaries sending those from our house church to start new house church communities locally and globally. (John 20:21, Acts 13:1-5, Titus 1:5)
Please contact us for more information on what a house church is.
The Living Room Podcast is where we have conversations about house church, micro-church, and what it looks like living the everyday mission of Christ.
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